- Media Access control (MAC) addresses are globally unique 6 bytes (48 bit) binary numbers assigned to a single NIC or other ethernet ports.
- Each & every NIC or ethernet ports in the universe is assigned with unique MAC address.
- MAC address is also called an Ethernet address, hardware address, physical address or unicast ethernet address.
- MAC addresses are often represented in 12 digit hexadecimal numbers. eg: 00:00:0C:12:34:56
How a MAC address is universally unique?
First, Ethernet products manufacturer should apply to IEEE for assigning a universally unique 3 bytecode, called the Organizationally Unique Identifier (OUI). The manufacturer agrees to assign all NICs and other ethernet products a unique value for the last 3 bytes, a number that manufacturer has never used with that OUI. Finally, the MAC address of each and every device in the universe is unique.For example, In the given MAC address 00:00:0C:12:34:56.
00:00:0C (First 3 bytes ) is OUI & 12:34:56 (Last 3 bytes) is a unique value used by the manufacturer with that particular OUI.
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How a MAC address is universally unique?
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